Monday, August 15, 2011

Do Your Boobs Hang Low?

It's not very common to see an 18 year old with saggy boobs but if you were to look at me that's what you'd see. My boobs have never been super perky, due to the fact that even when my waist was trim and I was fit as a fiddle I was still sporting 36 D's. When you throw 2 kids into the mix the term "saggy boobs" takes on a whole new meaning and, you might just gain a cup size...or 2. I've already told Justin that after we have our third kid my saggy boobed ass is booking it to the nearest plastic surgeon and my boobs are getting a major lift.
Friday, August 12, 2011

Have Hair, Will Travel

Nicholas the day he was born sporting the expression he wears nearly every hour of every day.
I'm a fraction of an inch from pulling my hair out. Nicholas has done nothing but what he's not supposed to do since he turned 1. He's into absolutely everything. If I get on him for something he's right back at it a second later. I'm at my wits end. I've tried everything from time outs to spanking and nothing works. He just looks at me an laughs every single time. My parents and Justin's parents seem to have this mentality that Nicholas is a perfect little angel and they tell me that I'm being too hard on him. Of course, they don't spend 24/7 with him, however since he's turned 1 I have noticed that not a single one of them has offered to watch him nearly as much as they used to. I love Nicholas, quite a bit, but his behaviour is starting to turn my attitude toward him sour. I don't know what to do.
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back to School

MCTC, the college I'm attending.
For the first time in 4 years I will be attending school, college to be exact. My first college semester starts on Monday. I have 2 on campus classes and 2 web based classes. I'm a bit nervous about the web based classes since it's something completely new to me but if it means more home time to spend with Justin and the boys I'm all for it. Justin applied for this semester as well but it's been a bit rough getting everything straightened out due to the fact that he left college without dropping out back in 2006. I really hope that Justin gets to go this semester, I'd feel extremely bad if I got to go and he didn't, not to mention we really need the extra money that comes with going to college. It's not that we're going solely because of the money, we do plan to get degrees so we can get good jobs but at the financial state we're in now the money is definitely an added bonus. This should of course be the part of the post where I ask for people to please pray that Justin gets to go to college but since I am in no way religious I'll just ask for some good vibes to be sent our way.

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